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9 Questions to Assess an Employer’s Veteran-Friendliness and Readiness

Ask these questions during the interview process to show interest, get insight to make an informed decision

While interviews are an opportunity for an employer to assess your fit for the position, they are also an opportunity for you to determine if the company aligns with your career goals and values — this makes preparing and asking questions during the interview process is crucial. More importantly, when you take the time to prepare thoughtful questions, it signals that you are genuinely interested in their organization and the specific role, which can leave a lasting and positive impression.

Asking questions also helps you better prepare for success. Understanding the company’s expectations, goals and challenges can help you tailor your responses and highlight your qualifications effectively; if there are multiple rounds of interviews, you can use their responses to earlier questions to frame your responses to later questions. It also allows you to envision how your skills and experiences can contribute to the company’s success, enabling you to communicate your value as a candidate more persuasively.

Finally, asking questions allows you to gather essential information about the company, the role and the workplace culture. By asking relevant questions, you gain insight into the company’s expectations, values, growth opportunities and veteran-readiness, which allows you to make an informed decision about your potential future with the organization.

Questions to ask

Following are nine questions to consider asking a potential employer to assess their commitment to being veteran-ready and to assess your fit with the organization. Because time for questions can be limited in an interview, prioritize asking the questions most important to you or for which you most want an answer.

  1. What veteran-specific programs or initiatives does the company have in place to support the success of veterans as they transition into the civilian workforce? Inquiring about specific programs shows the company’s dedication to assisting veterans in their career transition.
  2. Are there any veteran-focused affinity groups or networks within the organization? Learning about veteran-specific employee groups or networks can provide a sense of community and support for veterans within the company.
  3. What is the company’s stance on military leave policies, including Reserve and National Guard commitments? This question addresses your concerns about fulfilling military obligations while maintaining your civilian career.
  4. Do you offer mentorship or coaching programs to help veterans navigate their careers within the company? Knowing about mentorship opportunities shows the company’s commitment to veterans’ professional development.
  5. Can you share success stories of veterans who have advanced their careers within the company? Hearing about the experiences of other veterans in the organization can provide you with real-life examples of career growth and opportunities.
  6. What are the expectations in the first 60, 90, and 180 days of employment, and what does success look like to you in this role? This provides a clear view of the employer’s expectations and success factors.
  7. How does the organization engage in its broader community? Learning more about the organization’s community relations, volunteer efforts and commitment to its local communities provides a picture of its values.
  8. Do you have any concerns about my experience or ability to perform the role’s duties? This is an opportunity to outwardly address any lingering doubts the employer may have about you or your experience.
  9. Review the job description and identify items that might be unfamiliar or for which you need additional details. Use this information to frame up other job-specific questions.

As you prepare to leave the military and enter the civilian workforce, Mission Wisconsin is your go-to resource. We can help you update your resume, connect with potential employers, prepare you for interviews and more. To get started, complete the quick form on this page.